With tourism accounting for a large portion of total revenue for many communities around the world, competition for your travel dollar is stiff. Click on the news stories below to see what various destinations are up to.
California State Parks to sell timeshare campsites
Canada finalizes deal to purchase Yucatan
Company wins approval to distribute LSD
DHS agents abandon search for Martians
Florida businesses to prohibit toplessness
Floridians have sinking feelings
GangstaLand set to open near Orlando
Greenpeace to open Las Vegas casino
Holidays tours priced from €39
Hollywood celebs bed Vegas hotel guests
Hong Kong escalators may be removed
Kansas rescinds Daylight Saving Time
Las Vegas "Strip" goes mainstream
Las Vegas to add two million hotel rooms
Las Vegas to become a vast lake
Machu Picchu to be relocated to Nevada
Maui will disappear by end of the century
Paraskevidekatriaphobia hammers travel business
Polygamist town to build tourist center
Taj Mahal purposely being tilted
Vegas World to open near Disney
Yellowstone’s Old Faithful will be moving