Institution offers degrees to travelers
CHICAGO, Ill. -- Err Travel, with a $66.4 million funding grant from the Bob Jones University Alumni Foundation, has set up an independent, international, self-paced, life-experience, university accredited, interdenominational, free-range, clothing optional, lactose-free, college curriculum exclusively for travelers.
The new school, Err Travel University will award bachelors, masters and doctoral degrees. Besides the usual university majors offered, ETU also offers courses of study tailored specifically for traveling adults. These courses include Applied Governmental Survival, Hospitality Endurance, International Commutation, Ground Service Representation (with a special internship in Causticity), Marine Toxicology, Psychojournology, Terminal Fatigue and Transmeridian Migration. Special courses in English for airline pilots and air traffic controllers are also available.
According to the university catalog, "Courses are offered to meet the needs of travelers' itineraries. Classes are held in 20 minute segments — just long enough for attendance between connecting flights." The first ETU campus is scheduled to open this week in Terminal Two of Chicago's O'Hare International Airport. Located across the concourse from Cinnabon, the campus will offer classes between the hours of 11:00 am and 6:30 pm Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.
In a telephone interview, Dr. Harold Bombsley, Dean of the university, said, "as enrollment increases, classes will be added to our O'Hare campus to accommodate travelers/students from early morning to late evening, Mondays through Fridays. Moreover, we plan to open 17 additional campuses in major airports, train depots and convention centers around the country by the end of the year. And if our projections about demand for in-transit education are on point, we expect to move into the international transportation hubs of London, Frankfurt, Dubai and Hong Kong by this time next year."
For more information about Err Travel University, visit the institution’s website.